Well, we have lots to share since its been 4 months since I last posted. Crazy life we have has interferred with my blog time, but I would NOT trade a minute of it.
f8 is growing by leaps and bounds and the Wolff girls are too. Jozie is now 19 months old and running, climbing everything in sight and saying more new words every day. She is a character and her true colors, including that bright red temper she has, are showing more and more. I think Pawpa was on to something when he said she had a more temper than Bailey and Chelsea put together. We had a wonderful Christmas, January was a blur but we had a happy new year and played kiddie games for the evening with the neighbors up the hill. So glad Rena, Shane and Miss Peyton could join us for the fun. Bailey and Peyton especially liked getting to stay up late and "toast" their fancy glasses of ginger ale. :)
We took the girls up the County Fair and of course Bailey wanted every single animal she saw. Santa delivered a trampoline but since it rained Christmas Eve he left it for us to put up. We finally had a pretty day while we were home and got it set up for the girls during their nap one Sunday. Jozie moved to the toddler room full-time on January 28th. She is getting so big.
February got here and we went to Florida. The girls were gifted a trip to Disney World with their Pammie. A true gift that she will never forget a moment of. They wore her and MarMar out but everyone had fun. Bailey got to meet and give hugs to Tinkerbell and Periwinkle, and the Fairy Godmother. She was just TOO tired to wait that last day for almost an hour on Ariel. They both loved the parades. Jozie would scream everytime she saw Mickey Mouse. And best of all they did wonderful on the plane flights. I see many more trips in our future... if we can get Daddy away from the office.
f8 got all moved into their new offices and then hired an new employee. Its going great, but he needs another minon now to keep up with all the new work. f8 was voted New Business of the Year for Gatesville Chamber of Commerce and received an award at the banquet in Febuary. We had a cute valentines day breakfast for my little loves and they were so sweet.
I entered a photo of Bailey in a contest for a really cute moms necklace and WON!!! Its lovely and then I ordered mom and Pam their own. They are super cute too. I think I will be ordering more from MamaDramaJewerly Designs in the future. I have already seen a few other things I like.
Then the FLU hit... Bailey was down for the count for a week, full 7 days of 102 fever. Poor kid was miserable, but loved getting to stay with Granny during that week.
Brandy talked Chad into trying the habachi grill at the Japanese Steakhouse... hahah, he ate but not much. I don't think we will get him back there anytime in this lifetime :) NO FLAVOR... lol. Love you Chadly! We had fun and that was the first time that MarMar and Pawpa kept all three girls at the same time... I think they were tired when we got there to pick them up. :)
Carson was baptized at the Lutheran Church in Hamilton and Brent and I became his Godparents. Love that little monster, even though he won't talk to me. :)
Easter is coming up this weekend and the girls are super excited... We colored eggs wtih Peyton and Rena last night... but I think that was overshadowed when Pawpa delivered Oliver... our new bunny. He's cute and I hope very strong... I think the girls scared him last night. :) But Bailey was on cloud 9 and Jozie kept trying to snag him from Bailey's lap. Chelsea also got a bunny... not sure what his name is but she wanted him to take a bath when she did! Otto is not sure yet what to think of Oliver but I am hoping he will at least not try to eat him forever.
Driving her new Barbie Jeep. Thanks Pammie! |
Happy New Year Freddie! |
Hot Chocolate on a Cold Winter Day |
At the fair with Lillie |
Look at those sparkles!!!! Fancy boots for a fancy little girl |
It was a LONG day. She could not even stay awake to eat her dinner |
Pretty sure Jozie just drank dirt.... oh well! |
Bailey grilling her veggies |
Welcome of the Toddler Room Jozie |
She would have sat there ALL day and watched the WHOLE sale... she is her Grandpa Freddie's for sure! |
At the sale barn! |
Driving Pawpa... I think he looks a little scared |
moo cows |
Mmmmmm... cake! |
no dADDY! mY CAKE!!! |
I think they loved the fountain almost as much as the pool |
Florida hotel room view... very NICE |
Wating in the airport... she looks SO grown up! |
Valentine's Breakfast with red heart milk |
My Valentines.... oops I missed Brent <3> |
Peter Pan movie night |
At this pic she had closed the pantry door on Bailey and was holding it shut with her body! |
My painting from Painting With a Twist for Jennifer's BDay, lots of fun |
Our Naked Cowgirl |
Today Bailey got to come to the nursing home with Preschool and hunt eggs... She was too cute out there with her friends from school.
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